Sunday, September 30, 2007

Enter -The Revolution

At some point after Friday’s chapel, someone (me) removed the chapel scanners from the administration’s control. But first, you need to know about the revolution (Known to friends as “La Revolucion”).
After leading depressing lives for a number of years, some of your fellow students decided that time doesn’t really fix things, and that life is too valuable to waste. From our experience with boredom and apathy, we realized that people would need something more than just another voice to confuse them. They would need something much more personal, more active, and preferably more interesting. Viola! The revolution was born.
And now we look to you, as it is for you that we draw our breath and speak these words; here to uphold the good gifts of life beyond all pithy complaints, we labor to support and proclaim again to Houghton the things it has forgotten. For we have too often traded the good things of our faith for earthly comfort. After peeking through the broken doors of our cages, we have cowered in fear at the prospect of leaving them, preferring the familiarity of our own cowardice to freedom.
Now that we have introduced ourselves, I am sure that you are puzzled as to how and what we expect to do. To be honest, we don’t really worry about that; time and the hearts of man hold many things that no person can foresee and we don’t pretend to. However, it is our solemn belief that by simply being who we are before God and refusing to let apathy and cowardice take that away from us, we are able to empower you and to serve you. Viva La Revolucion!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Revolutionary Welcome

Welcome my friends and revolutionaries, perhaps this is a new idea to you or perhaps you have been silently waiting for the chance to do something... anything. I don't pretend at anything spectacular and I don't promise results, but the fact that you are here reading this is itself result enough, it is time to take fate into your own hands. So I invite you please, to leave us a note with your sentiments; whether you hate us (not very Christian), love us, don't care for us, or even would like to join us, let us know what you think, because we care.
Considering that I have only just begun, and even yet have not begun exactly, I cannot say where this is all going, but a woman has to start somewhere (not that I'm a woman) and this is where I find myself. Thank you for your attention. As this is coming from the past I have nothing planned and am unsure what to expect; I assume that you are here because you have either heard of some spectacular feat and then saw a poster or because you happened across a paper in the dining hall. Whatever the reason, Viva La Revolucion!